When and Where: 6th century Britain, a generation after King Arthur.
Who: A young man called Gwernin (it's a long story...) who wants to become a bard. He begins as a traveling storyteller, and ends as - but I'll let him tell you that himself. Along the way we hear some of the stories he tells and experiences, in a time and place where real world and otherworld are not that far apart.
Why: Because I've always had a strong interest in Dark Ages Britain, ever since I read Rosemary Sutcliff's The Lantern Bearers in 9th grade, and this was one way of going there.
Why not write about King Arthur, then? Because lots of people (including Sutcliff) have done it already, and anyway I found Aneirin in The Shining Company more interesting...
Where can I find more information about the series? Check out this page on my main blog.
Timeline for the Storyteller Series
Young Gwernin trilogy (published):
1. Storyteller - location: Wales; date: 550-551 CE; publication: 2007.
2. Flight of the Hawk - location: Wales, Northern England, Scotland; date: 551 CE; publication: 2007.
3. The Ash Spear - location: Wales, Northern England; date: 552 CE ; publication: 2009.
Interlude: The Druid's Son (a prequel)
Location: Britain and Ireland; date: 60-81 CE; publication: 2012.
Gwernin's Quests trilogy (writing in progress):
4. The Fallen Stones - location: Wales and Ireland; date: 559 CE ; publication: 2013.
5. The Well of Wisdom* - location: Wales and western England; date: c. 562 CE; publication: ?
6. The Green North - location: Wales, Northern England, Scotland; date: c. 567 CE; publication: ?
The Fall of the North trilogy (planning stage only):
7. The Last True King - location: Northern England and lowland Scotland; date: c. 573 CE; publication: ?
8. Three Hundred Spears* - location: Northern England and lowland Scotland; date: c. 577 CE; publication: ?
9. The Fall of the North - location: Northern England and lowland Scotland; date: c. 580 CE; publication: ?
*Titles on these books keep changing. The rest have been fixed for a while, but might change before publication.