So far we offer three poetry collections: King Arthur's Raid on Hell and other poems and Pryderi's Pigs and other poems, G. R. Grove's two collections of Medieval / SCA themed poetry, and Storyteller Songs, a collection of poetry and associated prose snippets from the first three books of the Storyteller Series. Other collections are planned in the future. All three titles are available as paperbacks at and other on-line retailers, and as e-books through and Barnes & Noble.

Originally published as Guernen Sang It: King Arthur's Raid on Hell and other poems, this is G. R. Grove's first collection of Medieval and SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) themed poetry. The title piece, King Arthur's Raid on Hell, is a long poem based on old Welsh sources which describes a journey by Arthur and his men to Annwn - the Celtic Underworld - to free a prisoner.
To quote a LibraryThing reviewer: "King Arthur’s Raid on Hell tells an adventure story. I don’t usually like to read that style of poem, but this one I finished. The poem pulled me in with its rhythm, and once I started reading, it was easier to keep reading than to tear myself away. It is not necessary to be a scholar in order to understand the stories contained in these songs, but I found myself tempted to look up some of the names out of curiosity about what that would add to the story. The inexperienced reader will find much to enjoy in this collection."

Originally published as Guernen Sang Again: Pryderi's Pigs and other poems, this is G. R. Grove's second collection of Medieval and SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) themed poetry. The title piece, Pryderi's Pigs, is a long dramatic monologue based on the Fourth Branch of the Mabinogion, and tells the tale of how Gwydion the Magician stole the magic pigs belonging to Pryderi, Prince of Dyfed.
To quote another LibraryThing reviewer: "I have never sat before the fire in a Welsh Chieftain's Great Hall and listened to a bard sing songs about heroes, spin tales of happiness and woe, and pose riddles in verse. Thanks to Guernen Sang Again I don't have to imagine what the experience would be like."

This is a collection of prose and poetry taken from the first three books - the Young Gwernin trilogy - of the Storyteller series, which follows the adventures of a group of bards and storytellers in the years after King Arthur's death. If you haven't yet read the novels, you might want to go and start there, as some of these poems could be considered to be plot spoilers. On the other hand, you might just want to plunge in now and see how you like Gwernin's world...
Future Offerings
Sometime in late 2011 we hope to be putting together a multi-poet collection, tentatively titled Windhover Songs, with selections from several of our local bards. More news in a few months...